How-To Kits

How to demand justice when your hospital causes you grief.  

Heading to hospital?  Get our “How To Avoid Hospital Stuff-Ups” kit first.  There are vital questions you must ask.  Be informed, not a victim.

After hospital and things went wrong?  Get our “How-To Kit”.  Packed with essential stuff you won’t get anywhere else.  To understand an adverse event you must know what went on before and that means back-tracking to the start.  From telling a hospital ‘what you did is not acceptable’ to be prepared for what’s ahead.  Where to start, what to do, how to do it, the “How-To Kit” is for you.   

Available for purchase, GST exempt, these are the 3 types:

Before you go to hospital —

  •  How To Avoid Hospital Stuff-Ups
    • and the 25 questions you must ask before you go to hospital.

After you’ve been and error uncovered

  • Patient Survived (near miss) 
  • Patient Died

Enquire within for further details, what’s in them, what they cost, which one is for you.  Kits are delivered by PDF email.  If you want a hard copy in the post, it’s a bit extra but please ask. 

The MEAG How-To Kits help you help yourself


Account details —
Bank                       :  Westpac
Account Name     :  Medical Error Action Group
BSB                         :  032-053
Account No.          :  389 458
Reference              :  [your name & telephone contact]
Which Kit?             :
Transaction ref.   :  please screenshot payment transaction with your name to


    Send by post to   :  Medical Error Action Group
                                       PO Box 893
                                       DOUBLE BAY  NSW  2028  


Years of experience tells us what information you need

About to go to hospital?  Find out how best to AVOID HOSPITAL STUFF-UPS