Police sack Lindt Cafe siege psychiatrist


The psychiatrist slammed for misleading police by saying the Lindt Cafe terrorist was just “grandstanding” has been sacked.

The high profile psychiatrist, whose name is suppressed for some peculiar reason, has previously come under fire in court.

Well-known as an expert witness, the psychiatrist was previously criticized by a tribunal for preparing a report on a doctor who drugged and raped a patient based only on what the guilty doctor told him.  The tribunal rejected his opinion that the doctor would not do it again as having “little weight”



Malpractitioner Dr Frank Simonson still at it

SYDNEY — Dr Frank SIMONSON, found guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct.  In layman’s terms a dodgy doctor.

This is the Merimbula, southern New South Wales, doctor who has a track record of malpractice.  He’s a mate of criminal Butcher of Bega Graeme REEVES.  They conducted operations together.  Yes, when Butcher Reeves was barred from practising obstetrics.  Didn’t stop either of them engaging in medical fraud.

This is the doctor who let baby Elijah Slavkovic die in 2009 – a 3 month old baby who presented to Pambula Hospital, when SIMONSON couldn’t be bothered treating and caring for baby Elijah and fobbed him, with Elijah’s parents, off to Bega Hospital and a hospital runaround beyond belief.

If the HCCC had done its job in 2009, other patients may not have suffered the same fate and lived.  Dr Simonson’s methods haven’t changed since the Medical Tribunal inquired into his “ways” back in September 2006.  But his history went back before that.

He should be barred from practising medicine.  The public needs protecting. Country people have been lumbered with him for more than a decade and nothing’s changed.



Canadian nurse murders 8 patients

ONTARIO, CANADA — 3 June 2017

A former nurse has pleaded guilty to first-degree murder in the deaths of eight nursing home residents in one of the worst serial-killer cases in Canadian history.

Elizabeth WETTLAUFER also pleaded guilty to four counts of attempted murder and two counts of aggravated assault.

The 49-year-old, who appeared in a Woodstock, Ontario, courtroom, admitted to killing eight seniors and hurting six others.

Wettlaufer acknowledged under questioning from the judge that she injected all 14 with insulin for no medical reason.

All the incidents allegedly occurred between 2007 and 2014 in three Ontario long-term care facilities where Wettlaufer worked as a registered nurse.

Psychiatrist’s role in Lindt Cafe siege suboptimal


State Coroner of New South Wales his Hon Michael Barnes, handed down his Finding into the 2014 Lindt Cafe siege in Martin Place, Sydney.

Summing up medical advice:  Psychiatrist’s role was suboptimal.

MEAG COMMENT:  Police didn’t shoot the terrorist because the consultant doctor said he wasn’t dangerous.  Another warped medical opinion believed.  The psychiatrist provided erroneous advice which didn’t help the  process.



Transvaginal mesh – another medical botch-up

AUSTRALIA — -Another day, another medical botch-up.

More than 200 women will give evidence to a Senate Inquiry into the “adverse effects” experienced following the insertion of transvaginal mesh implants.  Senator Derryn Hinch spearheaded the inquiry, describing the medical intervention as one of the worst mass cases of medical negligence since doctors widely prescribed thalidomide to cure morning sickness.  Those adverse events include chronic pain, erosion of the implant, disability, loss of sexual function, constant bleeding and ongoing incontinence.

Transvaginal mesh implants were approved for use in 2005 by the Therapeutic Drugs Administration (TGA), but no clinical trials had been performed.  Horrifyingly, the procedure is irreversible.

You might be wondering how thousands of women can have been told that transvaginal mesh implants (branded by Johnson & Johnson) [Remember them?  Think DePuy toxic hip implants] could “fix” pelvic organ prolapse when there was barely any evidence to support the long (or even short) term efficacy. But this disgraceful, widespread medical malpractice is just one extreme example of the general dismissiveness shown towards women’s health and particularly the health of postpartum women.

Another medical botch-up by Johnson & Johnson.  Another botch-up by “our TGA”.  The malfeasance of Australia’s federal health department TGA never stops.  Are Australian women medical guinea pigs, or what?


LADIES!  A reminder to lodge your submission to the Australian Senate BEFORE 31 May 2017.


How Australian hospitals work

SYDNEY — Lismore hospital death: Daughter claims nurses lied to her about how her mentally ill mother died

The daughter of a woman who died after she was left to wander the halls of a New South Wales hospital while naked and covered in faeces says nurses there lied to her about what happened.

Miriam Merten died in 2014 from a brain injury after she fell over more than 20 times at the Mental Health Unit of Lismore Base Hospital, on the state’s north coast.

A coronial inquest heard she was locked in a seclusion room for hours, and when the two nurses supervising her unlocked the door they allowed her to wander around naked, covered in faeces.  She continued to fall over outside the seclusion room.

Coroner Jeff Linden found she died from “traumatic brain injury caused by numerous falls and the self-beating of her head on various surfaces, the latter not done with the intention of taking her life”.

“The sight of the deceased wandering the corridor naked and covered in excrement while the senior nurse is seen to mop the floor, apparently oblivious to her is horrific,” he said.

The state’s chief psychiatrist Murray Wright said he was equally shocked.

“I can’t speak for what was happening in the minds of those nurses but I think it’s an absolutely appalling incident,” he said.

READ MORE of ABC Lucy McNally’s story:


MEAG COMMENT:  Another day, another patient, another disaster.  The trouble is this is not a one-off.

Tainted blood killed 2000 sick Brits

LONDON —Victims of the United Kingdom’s tainted blood scandal could sue the Government after evidence emerged of a cover-up.
Documents suggest officials knew the blood products were harmful – yet continued to allow them to be given to patients.
Thousands of sufferers of the blood-clotting disorder haemophilia were given infected products on the NHS in the 1970s and 1980s.
The supply was contaminated with HIV and hepatitis C, having been donated by prisoners, drug addicts and prostitutes seeking cash.
More than 2000 patients died and many others have serious illnesses.
Documents uncovered by the son of one of the victims suggest that officials were aware the products were high-risk as early as 1983. Jason Evans, 27, whose father Jonathan died in 1993 after being given HIV-infected products, has spent the past year trawling freedom of information responses and official archives.
One of the most damning pieces of evidence is a memo of a meeting of senior officials at the Department of Health in July 1983. They agree there is a particularly high risk from products bought from New York and Los Angeles.
Last month former health secretary Andy Burnham called for a public inquiry.  He said separate evidence had come to light suggesting doctors and public officials had been involved in a criminal cover-up.
Notice this is not in the Australian press?  In the New Zealand Herald, no less. 

Doctor murdered wife with insulin

SYDNEY — Doctor Brian CRICKETT, 63, was found guilty of murder today and jailed for 27 years, with a non-parole period of 20 years.

The “patient”, Crickett’s wife, wasn’t even a diabetic, nor his patient, rather a trusting wife, but her murdering husband injected with her with a lethal dose of fast-acting insulin for one sole purpose – to kill her.  He must have been reading the dead mass-murderer’s Dr Harold Shipman’s guidebook.

He did it on a Thursday night – New Year’s eve 2009 – and went out to stay with his lover leaving his wife to die.  By the time he returned and reported “finding her dead”, he knew there would be no autopsy over the weekend and by the Monday the insulin would have disappeared from her system.




Patients-police-soldiers – a lot in common

What do patients, police, and soldiers have in common?

They are treated like dirt when things go wrong by their treatment and service.   The latter are serving their country in the line of fire.

There is an alarming pattern that this is how Australia treats its citizens when they’re down.  Kick them further until they break.  Inconvenient survivors.

Everyday we hear how patients suffer when their treatment goes wrong, but our police and soldiers are too being treated in the same manner from just doing their job.

What is it with this country that such are greeted with “silence”?

Who is running this country?  Governments or insurance companies?  You tell us.


Lying nurses let off after death cover-up

MELBOURNE — Two nurses who dragged an elderly woman’s cold, lifeless body from a nursing home fountain in a bid to cover up her drowning death have been given a slap on the wrist.  Unbelievable!

The nurses, Lea SANCHEZ and Catherine CONDON, will be back at work after the pair were found to have covered-up the woman’s death from her family, police, doctors and other staff.

The nursing home is ARCARE HAMPSTEAD Aged Care Facility in Maidstone, V8km west of Melbourne’s CBD.

The conduct of the nurses is not professional misconduct — it is criminal.  Interfering with a corpse is criminal behaviour.

This matter being heard at VCAT, instead of a criminal court, is what is wrong with our health and medical regulatory system.