AHPRA malfeasant, arrogant, complacent

Australia’s own medical regulator AHPRA — Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.  A regulator that can’t even regulate itself.

The true meaning of malfeasance is AHPRA — corrupt to the core | devious and inept | runs amok with power and self-importance | answerable to no one | operates in clandestine | lying is its modus operandi | run by staff sacked from Health Departments…

AHPRA has not got a clue what investigation means.  Evidence and facts?  They don’t worry about that.  They manufacture it and stick to it.  Woe betide challenging it.

Just take a look at the AHPRA state and territory branches and who they are run by.  Yes, the old heads of state medical boards.  They just slithered into positions with the new national medical board for further self-aggrandizement and same old misinformation and obfuscation aka cover-ups continue.  A medical mafia.

The old saying:  Fish rots from the head down.  AHPRA CEO is ex-FED Department of Health and ex-NHS.  This is why AHPRA is as it is.   Would not have a clue what safety and quality is for there is no safety and there is no quality when it comes to AHPRA.

Hundreds of emails daily fill our inbox of AHPRA’s malfeasance from people across the nation who don’t know each other but they’re all saying the same thing.  AHPRA is inept beyond belief.

What is AHPRA for if it cannot investigate and regulate?  Why aren’t bad apples weeded out?  From AHPRA’s ranks as well.

Nothing short of a royal commission is needed to look into AHPRA’s misconduct. You think the banks are bad?  AHPRA is worse, truly.

Shooting The Messenger

SYDNEY — Since 9/11 governments including those of the USA, the UK, France and Australia have introduced tough, intimidating legislation to discourage the legitimate activities of a probing press, so greatly needed after the Iraq War proved that executive government could not be trusted.

Often hiding behind arguments about defending national security and fighting the war on terror, governments criminalised legitimate journalistic work, ramping up their attacks on journalists’ sources, and the whistle-blowers who are so essential in keeping governments honest.

SHOOTING THE MESSENGER by Andrew Fowler out now.  BUY THE BOOK published by Routledge www.routledge.com


Mongrel Bunch of Bastards

Catch this program on Monday 9 April 2018 on ABC Four Corners?  If not, watch it on ABC iview.

See the similarity to medicine?  Substitute the ATO for MEDICAL BOARD / AHPRA and health bureaucrats and the picture is the same.

We could be talking about BANKS as well.

This is how Australia functions.  Psychopaths are in charge and allowed to be in charge.

What do we have Ministers of Parliament for?  Everyone is asking.

Why does it take a Four Corners investigation for a Minister to act?  Don’t they read correspondence?  They react to media stories but not to volumes of concerns from constituents.



Stuff-ups continue at Calvary Hospital Canberra

CANBERRA — The blunders at Calvary Hospital, Canberra, keep on happening.

Stuffing up in the Emergency Department, not once, but twice, just recently is grave cause for concern.  Two brain conditions were missed – an understatement indeed.

Then nursing staff being abused by hospital management for paying tribute to a deceased nursing colleague on social media.  Dear oh dear, Calvary Hospital has a serious management “or else” agenda.

Calvary Hospital has form when it comes to cover-ups of patient deaths, falsifying records and documents and bullying staff.  The then ACT Health Minister Katy Gallagher failed to have Calvary scandal investigated. Gallagher condoned Calvary’s misdeeds.  Now a senator, she’s fighting to keep her Senate seat because of citizenship fraud.  What does this say for both CALVARY and GALLAGHER?  They’ve both got form.

What a mess Canberra Health is.  Had to chance to clean it up 8 years ago and on it goes.  God help the sick public because no one else will.





Doctor ignored 22 warning messages

SYDNEY — Computer prescribing error turns ‘uneventful’ procedure fatal.

A father of two died in hospital following a routine knee reconstruction because his anaesthetist accidentally entered fentanyl into the wrong computer file, the NSW Coroner’s Court has found.

Paul Lau, 54, died from multiple drug toxicity after being mistakenly prescribed fentanyl intended for another more complex surgical patient at Sydney’s Macquarie University Hospital in June 2015.

The most likely explanation for the prescribing error was that the anaesthetist, Dr Orison Min Oh KIM, left Mr Lau’s file open on a computer and then returned to theatre, the inquest heard.

He’d been using the hospital’s new electronic prescribing system, TrakCare, and came back to the computer at a later time to enter medication for another patient. However, he accidentally prescribed a fentanyl patch and patient-controlled analgesia for Mr Lau, whose file was still open.

The doctor ignored 22 warning messages.


Calvary obstetrician Dr Andrew Foote malpractice aired


A couple who once had faith in the hospital system awarded $900,000 yesterday.

A judge found that were it not for the CALVARY Hospital and obstetrician Dr Andrew John FOOTE‘s failures, it was probable the baby would have been born alive.

Dr FOOTE’s malpractice now aired in the ACT Supreme Court.

Canberra’s Calvary Hospital has a track record of mistakes they usually manage to smother.

It is about time Dr Foote got the flick permanently.  He makes far too many mistakes.




Another lab stuff-up

SYDNEY>> Another laboratory stuff-up.  This time Children’s Hospital, Westmead, cytogenetic laboratory.  Apologies and being transparent goes without stating such.  Due diligence is what is required so the apologies aren’t required.

Not being able to contact one of the patients?  Extraordinary.  Patient contact details are gathered at time of testing and cross-checked.  Go and knock on their door, NSW Health!

How does NSW Health Dept know this is an ‘isolated case’?  Don’t believe this.

This lab received accreditation from NSW Health.  So what?  Look at nursing homes with accreditation.  MONITORING, constant monitoring, is what is needed.  As for discovering these errors, how many more occurred?  The pathologist who stuffed-up needs his/her work to be audited back to the beginning.

2017.12.20 NSW Health Media Release – Cytogenetic lab processing error identified by NSW Health



Gosford Hospital stuffs up again


A woman who was suffering a type of stroke was sent home from GOSFORD HOSPITAL, on the Central Coast, twice in 2 days after doctors diagnosed her with gastro.  Yep, this is Gosford Hospital, errors just keep on keeping on.

Ms Carla Roberts, mother of two, called an ambulance when vomiting and debilitating headache became too much.  After being put on an IV drip at Gosford Hospital for fluids, the woman was sent home the next morning.

That night she said the migraine turned so badly she thought was going to die.

She called another ambulance but was AGAIN sent home from the same hospital, despite still being very ill.

After being gravely ill for a week, Ms Roberts was rushed to Royal North Shore Hospital (RNSH) where tests revealed she was suffering from reversible cerebral vasoconstriction.

Shape up Gosford!  For patients’ sakes.

Monash bungles toddler’s care

MELBOURNE >> Better care at Monash Melbourne Centre, Clayton, could have saved 2-year-old Lachlan Black’s life, a Victoria Coroner said today.

This case demonstrates that health departments across Australia do not share medical treatment death information.  The parallels with baby Elijah Slavkovic’s maltreatment and death in 2009 are glaring and sickening to see another youngster’s unnecessary death.

