The unpalatable truth

Something went wrong during medical treatment?

Someone you love died during or after surgery?

 Your gut instinct tells you something’s not right?

→ Can’t get a straight answer or even any answer? 

It’s what is called in medical parlance an “adverse event” — and the lies have already commenced. 

The medical merry-go-round

Find you’re being bounced around the system from hospital to local health district to health department to health complaints commission to medical regulator?  You’ve now joined the “we’re not responsible” queue.

Hospital heavies stalled handing over documentation you’re entitled to have then got their lawyers on to you when you wouldn’t go away.

A doctor acted on lies and caused you hell?  It happens all too often.  It’s the “let’s discredit you instead” method.  It is cunningly noted in every record that “you are the problem” and not them.

Driven up the wall trying to get answers? Then contacted your Member of Parliament who acted like a postman and passed your letter along to someone else?  Then you contacted the Minister for Health to find their responsibility is universally dead and buried with the standard “thank you for bringing your concerns to my attention”.  Then you find you’re on your own and back to square one.

This is the 3-D experience: Disaster↔Dishonesty↔Deceit←  Smothering patient treatment deaths and injuries and then lying to your face is just the start of their moral turpitude.

The medical error epidemic

Hundreds of thousands of Australians are adversely affected by medical error each year; thousands die — killed that is — unnecessarily.  We do not need laws for euthanasia as it is already carried out involuntarily.  

Take note!  

We are not a department of government even though we’re doing work the government should be doing — strangely they choose not to deal with.  We are not the ombudsman either.  We are an independent action group set up because of government failures and omissions and regulatory failures where people don’t know who to turn to next.

Demand for our specialised expertise never lets up whilst investigating cases, examining medical records, reporting medical treatment deaths to coroners and criminal behaviour to police, monitoring error-prone hospitals, exposing medical disasters, hospital scandals and government cover-ups in media exposés.  Every week we receive thousands of documents and just as many emails.

How do we fund this?

From people who support our action and buy our invaluable information packs.  So get outraged with us and … DONATE!

Seizing the upper hand

The people who run the Medical Error Action Group know the system inside out, all the pitfalls, and all the advantages to put you in a superior position.  They understand your plight, loss, frustration and outrage.  It is why Medical Error Action Group was founded.  The key to getting on top of your medical matter is being organised.  We provide services to help you with this.  Enquire within.

Being informed is imperative 

You need to devote time and energy to take on hospitals, medical practitioners, state/territory governments and health departments, and be prepared to do the hard slog. Being informed and knowing what’s ahead is vital.  Keep in mind no one will be more interested in your medical event than you.  

How you can help yourself

Information Packs


PS. Never ever give up for what you believe in.